Implementing a DevOps environment leaves a lot to juggle, so you should aim to provide a first class implementation and adoption through clear communication and expectations.

Note: Azure DevOps is an open platform, it connects almost with everything!

Microsoft learn: Azure DevOps

For a customer project I’ve implemented an Azure DevOps way of working, containing webinars and practical samples to demonstrate different usage patterns for Azure DevOps projects. Together with an adoption team, we did a lot of promotion, and bottom-up implementations. I contributed to this project by delivering first class documentation, governance and guidelines, knowledge spread, and I onboarded over 60 new users. Over time, users became more comfortable using Azure DevOps and began to see benefits in the transformation to a DevOps way of working.

Why do you need a DevOps transformation?

I’m happy to help start or improve your DevOps experience. But instead of me explaining what’s already available online, please watch these expert videos and get inspired.

This didn’t convince you?

Try to uncover better ways of developing software or infrastructure as code (IaC) with Agile.

I have a small company, isn’t this too complicated?

In short: No it’s not! It’s easier to set up, you’ll be up and running in minutes, then you’ll improve your process step-by-step, each iteration. You just need to go for it.

I don’t develop software, I’m more into infrastructure

Maybe you should take a look at these topics and read more about what IaC is all about.