Currently there is not a direct way to validate if Diagnostic Settings is enabled to a Management Group in the Azure Portal, Azure CLI or PowerShell. For anyone who needs to check or smoke test a deployment, I wrote the following PowerShell function that will make a REST API call using PowerShell.

Note: Use Account-AzConnect to login to Azure before running this script.

To validate if Diagnostic Settings was correctly enabled for any specific management group, the following snippet (REST API GET call) can be used.

    Get the diagnostic settings for a management group.

    Gets the active management group diagnostic settings for the specified resource.

.PARAMETER ManagementGroupId
    Mandatory. The management group id.

.PARAMETER DiagnosticSettingName
    Mandatory. The diagnostic setting name.

    Use Account-AzConnect to login to Azure before running this script.

    .\Get-ManagementGroupDiagnosticSettings.ps1 `
        -ManagementGroupId 'mg-msc-intermediate-sbx' `
        -DiagnosticSettingName 'tolaws'
param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string] $ManagementGroupId,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string] $DiagnosticSettingName

begin {
    Write-Debug ('{0} entered' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    $token = (Get-AzAccessToken).Token
    $accessToken = 'Bearer {0}' -f $token

process {
    try {

        $uriFormat = '' +
            'managementGroups/{0}/providers/microsoft.insights/' +

        $uri = ($uriFormat -f

        $methodInput = @{
            Method  = 'GET'
            Uri     = $uri
            Headers = @{
                'Accept'        = 'application/json'
                'Authorization' = $accessToken

        $response = Invoke-RestMethod @methodInput
        return $response

    } catch {
        if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 'NotFound') {
            Write-Error ($_.Exception.Message)
        } else {
            throw $_

end {
    Write-Debug ('{0} exited' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
